We are off to a great start for the first quarter of 2022. HAPM has been keeping up to date with our employees, projects, and site inspections of various developments for the month of March. The work You put in allows HAPM to celebrate many milestones in light of the company’s 30 years in the business.


Since March 2022, I have completed two books related to communications and attitude towards life, in order to improve my soft skills. By the end of the month, I will be finishing my third book on happiness with faith. Meditation daily gives me peace of mind during my own quiet time for at least 10 minutes in the morning. I have also managed to jog at least twice a month and completed cooking a new dish (meal or dessert), monthly since January. As for my lovely husband, we had a great trip during Chinese New Year to build our relationship and organised weekly dating sessions for a closer relationship. Hopefully, all of my 2022 resolutions will be fulfilled by the end of the year. This will help me build a good habit of reading and exercise.